"Rain" detail
"Rain" detail
I see this scene often, either while running or walking Maggie. The property is on the market and I wish someone would buy it and bring in some cows. Nice black ones. Or spotted ones. There are other dairies in this area so why not? Maybe the parcel is too large or the barns too outdated. The geese love it though. Year after year they return to their spot with the pond, as geese will. Once I had a job in Chicago chasing geese with a border collie, trying to make them feel insecure enough to move away from the golf course or the botanic garden. "Goosing" would be frowned upon here. These ochre colored buildings are especially beautiful and unusual in shape and color, even for this barnish valley. These are the same barns that appear in "Winter Barns with Geese." The barns may be the same but the weather has changed. The wind is kicking up, the trees and the flowers in the foreground are being tossed. One of the geese is edgy. It's starting to rain.
Prints of this watercolor and gouache painting are available in my Etsy shop.