Emily’s garden had lots of flowers. All sorts. In my mind’s eye it was always blooming. She loved flowers and birds so I have included robins, blue jays, a sparrow, a noisy crow. There’s a squirrel too because there are always squirrels. Emily and Felix raised chickens. This was before my time but was legal for a while in Chicago and not unusual. Emily was good at dispatching them. She made an excellent chicken soup. On the top right the cherry tree from the front yard has moved to the back yard and the bright crab apple tree on the left actually grew in the neighbor’s yard, bending over the fence. You see peonies, crocuses, foxglove, ferns, roses, poppies, tulips, morning glories, daffodils, sunflowers, and daisies. Emily holds a heavy bouquet of lilies. Look closely and you’ll see that the spiders have been busy too. Tucked into the red roses is a small shrine. Emily had a special devotion to the mother of Jesus. Felix sits on the back porch, reading the Polish newspaper, smoking a cigar.
”Emily’s Dream 4: The Garden
Acrylic on claybord
18 x 24 inches
This painting is available.
Please contact me if you’re interested.
I also have prints of this image available in my shop where I’m running a 20% off sale.
Find the prints here:
”Emily’s Dream 4” will be part of the exhibit in Roxbury.
The opening event in on November 2, 4 - 6pm.
I’d love to see you at the opening if you’re able to attend!
Roxbury Art Center
Walter Meade Gallery
5025 Vega Mountain Road
Roxbury NY 12474
The show runs from November 2 - January 11, 2025
Gallery hours: Tue - Sat, 10am - 3pm, or by appointment
And as always, thank you for taking a look!
“Emily’s Dream 4 - The Garden.”
Emily’s Dream 4: The Garden
“Emily’s Dream 4: The Garden.”
“Emily’s Dream 4- The Garden.”
“Emily’s Dream 4 - The Garden.”